
  • 2013-08-04T09:34:32Z ()
  • 1 ()
  • 2013-08-04T09:35:28Z ()
  • Leptiminus 1 (en)
  • This amphora type was first noted by Opait at Leptiminus, and was described is as having a 'rim flat or slightly bevelled towards the inside top, horizontally flanged and thickened on the underside. The handles are attached just under the rim and on the junction of neck to the shoulder, being usually parallel to the neck. In section they are elliptical. The body is almost cylindrical, slightly swollen at the middle; it ends in a conical hollow spike' (Opait, 2000). Opait thought that it might be a local imitation of the Spanish amphora form Dressel 14 (2000). Though this amphora could perhaps be linked to the Carthaginian Early Amphora 4, proceeding the Romanization of the Punic type Cintas 312/Mana C2. (en)
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