
  • Albenga 11 (en)
  • Albenga 12 (en)
  • 2013-08-03T21:13:51Z ()
  • 1 ()
  • 2013-08-03T21:14:37Z ()
  • Keay 62Q & R (en)
  • It is proposed to treat these two variants 62Q and R together, separate from the primary group brought together by Keay (1984). The general form is a taller and more slender amphora than the others in the primary group, with a cylindrical neck slightly restricted at medium height. The rim is band-shaped, somewhat thickened and slightly everted, marked by a hooked lip at the top (var. Keay 62Q) or by a ridge running around the outer face of the rim (var. Keay 62R). The foot is cylindrical, generally thickening in the centre. For complete examples of the type Keay 62Q, see those at Albenga (Pallares, 1987: Type 11-12) and Tomis (Opait, 1997-98). For a complete example of the type Keay 62R, see the example at Carthage (Freed, 1995: Fig. 2.4). (en)
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