
  • 2013-08-03T21:13:11Z ()
  • 1 ()
  • Keay 62A, D & E (en)
  • Keay (1984) subdivides this type into variants A-V, with at least twenty rim types and fifteen foot types. Three of these are particularly common (A-D-E). The most common, Variant A, consists of a ribbed cylindrical body with a rounded base and distinctive foot. The shoulders are sharply curved and the neck is wide, squat and gently conical. The rim consists of two well-defined and everted sections. The uppermost is well pronounced with a vertical face and an undercut at its junction with the lower face. The face of the lower section is gently convex. The handles are ear-shaped in profile and elliptical in section (for a complete example from Filicudi Porto see Albore Livadie, 1984). It it possible to distinguish between the products of Zeugitana by their heavy and quite rectilinear profile and those of Byzacena which have a more rounded profile (Bonifay, 2004). Variant D is characterised by a clearly marked groove or ledge running around the inside of the rim. Variant E (late) is characterised by a massive upper rim section with a wide diameter. In addition, the junction between upper and lower sections is marked by an exaggerated undercut. (en)
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