
  • Augst 12 (en)
  • Callender 10 (en)
  • Niederbieber 76 (en)
  • Ostia 60 (en)
  • Peacock & Williams 27 (en)
  • Pelichet 47 (en)
  • 2013-08-03T20:30:17Z ()
  • 1 ()
  • 2013-08-03T20:31:44Z ()
  • Gauloise 4 (en)
  • This amphora has a narrow flat ringed base. The maximum diameter of the body (towards the top), is around five times greater that that of the foot. It takes the form of bead rim and the handles have a groove with traces of smoothing to attach them (Laubenheimer, 1985). The form was also copied elsewhere (Laubenheimer & Gisbert Santonia, 2001; Symonds, 2003). (en)
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