  • 2 large, heavy handles of plano-convex section with moulded decoration, peaked at centre of the grip at the lower edge with four-petaled decoration in the centre. Hooked arms with ring terminals passing through a thick ring collar and held to the board by
  • 2 nail shanks with much wood
  • 2 nails, 1 with wood joint. BOX 2 OF 2.
  • 4 large handles of plano-convex section, moulded decoration has raised border along the edges, peaked at lower edge centre of grip with moulded 4-petaled flower motif and 2 scrolls on the lower edge to each side. The hooked arms end in shanks with pass th
  • 6 fragments of wide lace appearing as long rectangular panel with double line of tack holes along the centre and floral embossed decoration with central cross motif and scrolled sides. Lace lies on top of baize which is on top of much wood. Longest fragme
  • Fractured remains of 2 fine annular rings of round section, with thread wrapped around the ring and textile lying on the ring. Probably from thread covered buttons. To PWR
  • Fragment of nailed binding with a flat round headed nail present.
  • In radiograph 4955 556.2 a possible simple wire 'sleeper' earring visible within the corrosion of an item but not located (hidden within the corrosion).
  • Large fragment of coffin board c 22mm 3/4in thick, upper surface covered in baize with pressed metal lace above. DRAW
  • Large fragment of wide pressed metal lace with decorative shaped edges and scrolled and cross motifs. Lace lies on baize which lies of a large fragment of coffin board.
  • Large heavy handles with moulded decoration peaked at the centre of the grip, hooked arms with straight shanks passing through a faceted headed bolt with collared neck and split spike, encrusted very heavily. Spitalfields 7. Remains of pressed metal hand
  • Line of iron upholstery studs with much wood. BOX 2 OF 2. TO BE DRAWN XRAY YO 4901
  • Present in 556.2, 556. 3, 556.4
  • Remains of fragmentary lid motif of pressed metal plate with scalloped edge with floral embossed decoration. Black paint on surface. Plate lies above baize? felt-like textile, then woven textile, wood below. BOX 2 OF 2.
  • Remains of very large pressed metal plates, rather angular with wide, plain border, with wood, encrusted very heavily. Similar but not identical to Spitalfields 11.
  • Sherd of glass present in 556.4.
  • Small fragments of very decorative wide lace panel.
  • 3683
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