  • A fragment of a basalt lava quern, including part of the grinding surface.
  • A fragment of a basalt lava quern, including part of the grinding surface. No other surfaces are present.
  • A fragment of a basalt lava quern, including part of the grinding surface. Thickness may reflect an original dimension of the quern, of discoidal form.
  • A large number of very small fragments of basalt lava, stemming from a quern. Only very small fragments of original surfaces can be seen.
  • Fragment of a basalt lava quern including part of the grinding surface.
  • Fragment of a basalt lava quern, including part of the grinding surface. Thickness measurement may reflect thickness of quern itself, possibly of discoidal form.
  • Small fragment of a basalt lava quern with part of the grinding surface present. Thickness may represent original thickness of the quern itself.
  • 405
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