
  • Torone 3 (en)
  • 2013-08-04T09:43:53Z ()
  • 1 ()
  • 2013-08-04T09:44:17Z ()
  • Opait C2 (en)
  • This amphora is not dissimilar to the Torone 7, though the neck is shorter and the body more consistently elliptical. The rim is simple and rounded, with slight thickening inside and out, or only bevelled outside. The neck is short and cylindrical, the body ovoid with grooving over most of the surface. The body is ridged and is thin-walled. The base consists of a very short spike. It is ovoid at the beginning of the fourth century at Novae (Gacuta & Sarnowski, 1981: Fig.54.2), Torone (Papadopoulos, 1989: Fig.13a), and becomes bag-shaped. Opait notes a tendency for the body to become slightly more bag-shaped in later incarnations (Opait, 1996: 210). (en)
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