
  • Bottger 3-1 (en)
  • Kuzmanov 15 (en)
  • Mirmekion amphora (en)
  • 2013-08-04T09:40:10Z ()
  • 1 ()
  • 2013-08-04T09:41:01Z ()
  • Opait B1 (en)
  • This is a type with a long evolution. Many scholars have considered some of the subtypes identified by Opait to be separate types; however the main criteria for grouping these subtypes were the fabric and a morphological likeness. The main trend of this amphora type is a change from an ovoid shape in the early Roman times towards a more cylindrical body in the late Roman times and a continuing reduction in capacity especially during the second half of the fourth and fifth centuries AD. This type is also know as the Mirmekion type (Zeest, 1960), found at the Villa Dionysios (Hayes, 1983) dating from the third quarter of the second century AD. These amphorae are large with rounded rims, cylindrical necks and a long cylindrical body ending in a knob. Some completely preserved examples have been discovered near Chersonesos, and show that different sizes existed for this type. By the end of the fourth century the dimensions are generally reduced. (en)
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