
  • Keay 3B similis (en)
  • 2013-08-03T21:05:17Z ()
  • 1 ()
  • 2013-08-03T21:05:41Z ()
  • Keay 39 (en)
  • It seems that these two types defined by Keay can be combined (Bonifay, 2004). The complete example discovered at Tarquinia suggests that it is a large amphora with a globular and cylindrical body terminating in a rounded base and a short cylindrical spike flattened at the bottom. The shoulder is rounded with a short cone-shaped neck. Handles are squared in profile and flattened in section. The rim can be rounded in section with an internal groove (type Keay 3B similis) or triangular in section (type Keay 39). Combed decoration is frequent on the neck and sometimes on the shoulder. (en)
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