Ditch-line not excavated in this event-code - recorded in plan only.
Linear ditch aligned SSW-NNE, interpreted as turning abruptly to trend east-west toward Early Bronze Age barrow SG10082. Identified in Event Codes ARC SFB99, ARC SFB01 Arc SLT98C and ARC SLT99. Owing to uncertainties regarding feature continuity, the western part of this ditch has been assigned as SG10018 or 10019. Observed extent in plan 120.80m x up to 2.5 m, depth 0.32m. Profile: side slopes of 40 degrees to break of slope and then 55 degrees to a mostly concave base. This feature forms part of a larger boundary systen with ditch SG225 which parallels the eastern part of SG80 immediately to the east (possibly forming a droveway or trackway, and may subsequently have been extended southwards by the addition of ditch SG10123.
Linear ditch aligned SSW-NNE, interpreted as turning abruptly to trend east-west toward Early Bronze Age barrow SG10082. Identified in Event Codes ARC SFB99, ARC SFB01 Arc SLT98C and ARC SLT99. Owing to uncertainties regarding feature continuity, the western part of this ditch has been assigned as SG10018 or 10019. Observed extent in plan 120.80m x up to 2.5 m, depth 0.48m. Profile was shallow/concave sides concave base. This feature forms part of a larger boundary systen with ditch SG225 which parallels the eastern part of SG80 immediately to the east (possibly forming a droveway or trackway, and may subsequently have been extended southwards by the addition of ditch SG10123.
Linear ditch aligned east-west. Poorly understood continuation of ditch SG80 across this event code. Relationship to co-aligned ditches SG10018 and SG10019 cannot be reconstructed. Western end of this feature was imposed during post-excavation analysis.